Luigi Mainolfi – PER_FORMING A COLLECTION #4 – Madre Museum, Naples

Galleria Paola Verrengia is delighted to inform you about the participation of Luigi Mainolfi with the work Senza Titolo ( Esploso), 1978 at the exhibiton  PER_FORMING A COLLECTION #4 (May, 23rd 2015 – in progress), at the Madre Museum, Naples. Project dedicated to the upgrade of the permanent collection at the Madre Museum.

Per_forming a collection , curated by Alessandro Rabottini and Eugenio Viola, is the new event that extends and continues the project devoted to the progressive establishment of the museum’s permanent collection, and presents historical works and new commissions from Italian and international artists of different generations.

This further chapter confirms the organic identity of the Madre’s collection, its gradual emergence pervading the museum’s policy of exhibition, research and education, as well as the historical perspective and immersion in the most recent artistic production, suggesting a polyphonic narrative, shared with the artists and the public, which investigates the history, or rather “histories,” of contemporary art in Naples and Campania, in their dynamic relation to international developments.